7 Ways to Extend the Value of Media Placements

Nina Zapala
4 min readJul 26, 2018
Photo Credit: Charisse-Kenion:unsplash

Interested in learning a few of my Z ProTips to extend the value of media placements? Below are my top seven tips I use to keep destinations, hotels, products, and services in the spotlight, while also generating top-of-mind awareness and reach. Read on if you want to discover how you can do the same?

I like to call this tactic the PR-ing of PR!

The Basics

  • Build relationships. This is relevant whether you’re pitching a national news outlet, a mommy blogger, or an influencer. Know their work and speak to it. If you read an article they wrote and you liked it, let them know. Don’t be spammy or disingenuous — as writers, we know this is just a tactic to get coverage. It doesn’t work!
  • First and foremost, make sure you have a story to tell that is newsy enough to get picked up.
  • Before you hit send make sure you know the outlet — read it, study it, and read it again. You can’t just pitch an outlet you “think” is a good fit; you have to know why readers would love to learn more about your product, story, CEO… blah, blah, blah.

Behind the Desk

As a professional, I spend hours creating, crafting and writing newsy pitches. When a story does get picked up by a major outlet, it can struggle to stay afloat as a riptide of other stories have also been released. Sometimes the article just doesn’t get its due.

Which begs the question: Is it still worth it for PR professionals to prioritize earned media, or should they pour all of their resources into newer media channels instead? I say, hell yes, go for the earned media. And for those that know me, I’m like a dog with a bone, and don’t give up that easily especially after putting in hours to make the pitch viable, if a magazine picks it up I know my target audience will dig-it too. Here are the tips I use:

7 Ways to Extend the Value of Media Placements

  1. Post the article to your company’s online newsroom. Please use the proper credits and copyright to stay in compliance with the law.
  2. Extend a sincere thank you to the writer by sharing it across all social media channels. Tip: Don’t forget to tag, and use hashtags and keywords.
  3. Develop a blog post about the article and augment it using an additional helpful idea. For example:
  • A lifestyle product could provide often-overlooked user tips, recipes, or new trends.
  • A travel destination could take a page from Amazon and use a “travelers who liked this may also like this, and this, and this!” approach.
  • A hotel could juice it up by offering a special rate or complimentary beverage. An example: “We loved our feature in Coastal Living and how the magazine featured our signature villa. We know you’ll love it too, so this week only book and receive a bespoke excursion to the shores of wherever!” This post recycles the features and extends the reach. A call to action was also included to encourage bookings. The bespoke excursion highlights a property benefit too.
  1. Post the article to your company’s online newsroom. Please use the proper credits and copyright to stay in compliance with the law.
  2. Circulating article to the sales staff is an excellent marketing tool. Salespeople can repurpose the article using it to keep in touch with potential clients and loyal clients, and reach out to new clients.
  3. Send an email and add a call to action as mentioned in item number three.
  4. Local news outlets often allow publicists to upload news. Take advantage of this opportunity and craft a well-written, editorial styled news release and send it to all local and regional publications that allow free uploads.
  5. Adapt the editorial styled news release for use in a newsletter.

Key Takeaways

Recycle media placements. And, as suggested above repurpose content when it makes sense. Today’s news is gone in a flash so this strategy helps extend the life and value of a news article. With millions of headlines hitting the internet, this tactic is a must in today’s 24/7 digital world.

Hope you will apply the 7 Ways to Extend the Value of a Media Placement. Go ahead and get into the groove of PR-ing the PR.

Need Help?

Is your to-list as long as the Great Wall of China? Are you in need of a more proactive PR approach? I can help. I’ve been working for over two decades in travel and lifestyle. I just get it — plus I’m uber creative and like to have fun! Did I mention I love PR! Drop me an email: nina@ninajzapala.com or if you prefer, contact me here and let the fun begin.



Nina Zapala

Spiritual Personality Typing: Liberate the Mind. Feed the Soul. And Change Your Life. I’m a Teacher. Writer. Dog + Gaia Lover. ninazapala.com.