How To Be True To Your True Self — Nina Zapala

Nina Zapala
5 min readJan 4, 2024

How To Be True To Your Self is a post to help you understand, overcome, and cultivate a true self lifestyle.

Do something brave. Do something unexpected. Just do something. — Nina

The world is filled with pressures to conform; staying true to your true self can be confusing, challenging, and overwhelming. However, embracing your heart’s desires and individuality is a powerful way to live a purpose-filled, peaceful, and meaningful life.

Being true to yourself involves understanding who you are, an eternal being, a spark of Divinity that can tap into the power of all that IS. It’s a place of wisdom, unlimited abundance, creativity, peace, and joy. When you listen to your spirit mind, it brings daily inspiration into your reality.

For me the Divine is both internal and external, author Tosha Silver, Change Me Prayers.

Defining Your True Self

Your personality is your individual identity; your reality. While the Universe is the identity (for lack of a better word) of Divine Intelligence. It is the sum of all that is good, whole, loving, creative, living, and substance. The true self is the bridge between the two. It’s the perfect receiver, for Divinely inspired messages and actions.

When you become fully aware of the ego’s ability to twist you into something you are not you can willingly allow the spirit mind to take over. This causes a change reaction that manifests more spontaneity. It unleashes a freedom you’ve never known before. You come to realize how unimportant, the insistent expectations of others are, the striving, the competition… it all starts to slowly disappear. What replaces it is clarity, ideal clients and relationships, and an overwhelming desire for goodness.

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. — Pablo Picasso

A Comprehensive Guide To Help You Embarck On A True Self, Lifestyle Journey:

Understanding your true self is key to your happiness. Let’s take a deeper look:


  1. Take time for introspection. Ask yourself probing questions about your passions, values, strengths, and weaknesses. Reflect deeply on your personality type and how each cognition function shapes your reality. Remember it’s an inner journey so listen to the voice within — then examine, learn, and grow.

Embrace Your Quirkiness:

2. Recognize that perfectionism is an illusion. Embracing your quirks is an integral part of being true to yourself. Your quirks add to your authenticity, make you unique, and add depth to your character.

Identify Your Core Values:

3. Define the values that matter most to you. These principles act as a compass, guiding your decisions and actions in life. And please don’t look for your values in the physical world; your personality type shapes your core values and beliefs. Study your personality and question your beliefs. Are they yours to own, or are they inherited, not able to serve your heart’s desires?

Overcoming Obstacles to the True Self

Fear of Judgment:

  1. When you fear being judged, you will develop a false self, the shadow side. Here’s a popular post on the topic you may want to read. Remember, people’s opinions are subjective and often reflect their insecurities. Embrace vulnerability and understand that being true to yourself will likely make you standout, and that’s okay!

Social Conditioning:

2. Society often imposes norms and expectations that might not align with your true self. Recognize these influences and evaluate whether they genuinely resonate with your beliefs. It takes courage to do this, but it’s all part of a true self lifestyle.


3. Fully knowing yourself from the inside out means accepting all of you, including your flaws and mistakes. Practice self-compassion and forgive yourself for past decisions.

Let the beauty we love be what we do.– Rumi

Cultivating A True Self Lifestyle

Become a Sincere Communicator:

  1. Express your thoughts, feelings, and opinions sincerely. Communicate openly and respectfully, allowing your true self to shine through. I refer to this as “carefulness in conversation.”

Set Boundaries:

2. Respect your limits and communicate them to others. Establishing boundaries protects your true self and builds genuineness while preserving your emotional well-being.

Embrace Heart-Centered Connections:

3. Surround yourself with people who accept you for who you are. Heart-centered relationships nurture your true self and provide a supportive environment for personal growth.

A Journal Prompt To Help You Get Started:

When you feel anxious, or upset this is typically a sign you are out of alignment with your true self. What caused these feelings? Are they your’s to examine, or are they a mirror for someone else to learn from you?

When you feel good; in peace, joy, and contentment this typically means you are in alignment with your true self. Take steps to put yourself in situations or with people that bring you more joy, peace, and contentment.

#journal prompt

My favorite practice is waking up in the morning and asking my true self what I should accomplish today. During a meditative walk or in my journal, I reflect on this question. It never fails to answer me. I will be shown sometime during the day, even if it is not in the moment. Let me know how this works for you in the comments below or send a message if you have any questions.

Hope You Enjoyed How To Be True To Your True Self

Here’s the thing, being committed to a true self lifestyle is an ongoing process, not a destination. It requires continuous self-awareness, courage, and self-acceptance. Remember, staying faithful to your true self is not about conforming to others’ expectations but about honoring your own uniqueness and not being afraid to do so. Embrace the who of who you really are, live your truth, and watch as it transforms your life in ways you never imagined.

Share your thoughts below on how you will embrace authenticity in your life!

Blog Updates in 2024

In 2024, my blog will be undergoing a transformation. The new focus is on what genuinely matters: empowering women worldwide to understand their true selves. Whether navigating a transformative journey to uncover midlife magic, transitioning from a corporate career to a spirit-led enterprise, or embracing travel as a classroom for self-discovery, the blog will explore these meaningful avenues.

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My debut book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is a blend of personality typing, and spirituality, plus it uses travel as a classroom to guide you through a groundbreaking personality paradigm infused with spiritual insights. Grab your copy here.

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It’s Time to Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP.

I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side ready to introduce you to a pioneering personality paradigm with spiritual understandings.

Photo by Monstera Production:

Originally published at on January 4, 2024.



Nina Zapala

Spiritual Personality Typing: Liberate the Mind. Feed the Soul. And Change Your Life. I’m a Teacher. Writer. Dog + Gaia Lover.