How to Discover the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing to Rediscover You — Nina Zapala

Nina Zapala
4 min readApr 8, 2024
Image from Unsplash

How to bridge 1940s personality typing with a spiritual point of view is a personalized path that takes you home to your true self. Once you step on the path, joyful days, passion, and purpose will show up like never before.

What I learned going through my life tsunami was that I didn’t know who I was. I believed in a false self, which was the voice of fear; an assumed identity.

The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing To Rediscover You Is Specific to You

If you’re feeling anxious, fearful, financially stressed, and your hopes for having it all have been dashed by miserable life experiences, you may want to start asking yourself what truly matters to you.

Have You Started Questioning Everything

A shaking in my life had begun long before my 7-year, messy-mid-life tsunami became a reality. I didn’t take time for self-exploration and action, and questioning didn’t come until I was midway into my tsunami.

This was also when I began my quest to rediscover my true self, to enjoy all the goodness life offers.

I started to ask myself where my life was going, and what my dreams were. I also started to become aware how horrible I was about my own self-care.

A Time For Reflection And Doing the Soul Work

Recently divorced, I attended spiritual weekend retreats for a year. Diving deep into spirituality; learning breathwork, personality typing, the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs ®, yoga and other metaphysical modalities. I realized how out of balance I was and how I was numbing myself with shopping, booze, and overworking.

Discover How Personality Typing Supported My Soul Work Was a Huge Ah-Hah Moment

During the retreat I realized that I was actually living from my inferior personality trait, which is in opposition to my dominant trait. This is why I experience burnout and overwhelm which eventually turned inot a major crossroads in life.

Our dominant trait has become buried in ego-trash, everyone else’s values, negative beliefs, unrealistic expectations, many of which are inherited in childhood, society, the media, and our country culture. A Divinely Inspired personality is a nourishing, natural and peaceful approach and refreshingly honest.

3 Tips: Combine Personality Typing and the Soul’s Role as a Reinvention Tool to Your TrueSelf

Here are three steps you can take today to start using your personality type as a reinvention tool to your TrueSelf.

First, know your type?

I knew my four-letter archetype ENFP, but didn’t understand the impact or influence of my personality traits, so I carried on like everything was perfect. Yet I knew deep in my soul it wasn’t.

Second What’s Triggering You?

To rediscover yourself, look at repetitive behaviors, triggers, and understand your soul’s message. For me, pleasing everyone to the extent that I didn’t honor myself led to poor choices, frustration, and anger.

Third, Start Accepting Others As Life Teachers

People are in your life to teach you lessons, and you choose them for your soul’s evolution. It is not easy to discover your true self, but the truths that revealed themselves during my 7-year tsunami were invaluable.

Soul’s Role in Typing to Rediscover You

Rediscovering yourself is not for the faint of heart. You need to be brave enough to let everything go, and commit to stillness practice to hear what your soul has to say.

Another area I want you to look at is guilt and shame. I had to go deep on these to start unpacking them, but I’ve come to accept that the lessons and struggles, challenges and hardships, are your master teachers. Your personal gurus of self-awareness.

Recap: How to Discover the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing to Rediscover You

Have you started questioning your life? Now is the time to commit to a stillness practice, know your soul-inspired personality type, recognize your triggers, and let go of things and beliefs that no longer serve you.

Ready To Learn Your Soul’s Role in Personality Typing to Rediscover You

I hope your ready to learn how to use your soul’s role in personality typing to rediscover you. My goal is to flip the script around personality typing and instead focus on spirit-centered living that takes your reality from mundane to extraordinary.

I’ve made it my goal to modernize the teaching of the 1940s Myers-Briggs ® and make them more accessible for everyone. It took me years to develop a relationship with my soul-inspired personality, but the results are clarity, and confidence and living a fulfilled life.

Let’s Get to Know One Other

I look forward to building a thriving community of women who want to rediscover their true self, enjoy their gifts and genius, and bring their unique message and mission to the world. Grab my new book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide.

Contact Me

At a life crossroads questioning your marriage, career fatigue wondering, or having a deep desire to know yourself better, I’m here to walk you through challenge and change to create a life beyond your wildest daydreams. Schedule the free call.

When I was younger, I didn’t know much about my personality type. Now I know, and I’m ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by mindfulness and spiritual practices.

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Are you ready to rediscover yourself? Subscribe to my newsletter or quarterly magazine and become part of this community; join here.

It’s Time to Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ©️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP.

Originally published at on April 8, 2024.



Nina Zapala

Spiritual Personality Typing: Liberate the Mind. Feed the Soul. And Change Your Life. I’m a Teacher. Writer. Dog + Gaia Lover.