How To Recognize Stereotyping in the World of Personality Typing — Nina Zapala

Nina Zapala
4 min readJan 8, 2023

My mission for the new year is to begin discussing the destructive ways of stereotyping in the world of personality typing. I’ve been tempering my words, playing it safe, and trying not to ruffle feathers. It is time to upgrade traditional typology. So this year, I am stepping up my game to spread the word about a revolutionary paradigm in typology: personality typing based on spiritual understanding. Prepare yourself for the fiery, outspoken, sassy side of Nina that’s sick of stereotyping, memes, and demeaning words.

To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom." - philosopher, Socrates

Do You Know Which MBTI Type Is More Discouraged by Conflict?

This was the subject line of an email I received. I was immediately struck by how uplifting the headline was — note the sarcasm. I’m already anxious about whether my persona is more discouraged by conflict than other types before I even open the email. The email was based on a report from World Introvert Day. If you are in the mood for more discouragement, click here.

I’m paraphrasing here:

  • Extroverted types place a higher value on their own ability to resolve conflict than Introverted types do. As a result, they had a much better perception of themselves as conflict managers than Introverted types.
  • Conflict discouraged or demotivated 18% of Introversion types, but only 7% of Extraversion types.

This report makes sense if you are on board with traditional, patriarchal personality typing, launched by Briggs-Myers, in the late 1940s on the heels of WWII. It may also mean you rely on the external world to bring you happiness.


I am an extrovert, so I am less discouraged because my mind is occupied with the external world. Meaning I don’t give conflict as much thought as an introvert.

Are these statistics misleading for extroverts? Questioning these statistics may uncover a more relevant reason. So, why do extroverts believe they are less susceptible to conflict? Is it because the outer world keeps them busy and interested in what’s outside themself, so they look past a challenge? Extrovert types, not all, mind you, welcome the external world, while the inner word is often more confrontational.

This can be problematic because many extroverts shun their inner world. Another reason why I believe spiritual personality typing is how you move your life forward, away from discouragement. If you’re visiting the blog for the first time, please visit my FAQ to learn more about spiritual personality typing.


Is it any surprise that introverts are more likely to be discouraged by conflict? For the most part, it’s in an introvert’s nature to reflect on the situation and work through what they’ve observed, including challenges. Does this statistic reveal that introverts are being truthful? I believe they are. Truth is where power and passion are found. Does this mean Introverts find more joy in the long run, even if the numbers tell another story? The answer is yes!

Be aware of yourself and know yourself. No matter how much you have learned and how much you know, if you don't know yourself, you don't know anything — warrior turned Zen Buddhist monk -Suzuki Shōsan

Stereotyping in the World of Personality Typing There’s Gold in this Lesson

At this point in life, I know myself well. As a matter of spiritual development, conflict is a time of reflection and personal growth. As a result, I may see conflict from a different perspective, namely that the other person must take responsibility, do the work, and examine what brought them into this situation. So, I take great issue with the idea that conflict is a linear one-sided issue. It’s not.

Recognizing Stereotyping in the World of Personality Typing

One more thought. Let’s all start rethinking our word choices. We deal with enough chaos and fear daily. Why can’t we appreciate that an introvert will face conflict more so than an introvert? And with that truth, we should all learn from introverts instead of believing our differences make us better in some way. They don’t -they make us different.

Personality-type enthusiasts probably already understand that we all have introverted and extroverted preferences. If you claim your trait is superior to another’s, then you’re doing yourself a disservice because the preference is within your personality type. When you view it as lesser, it will be lesser than within the context of your persona.

Can you see why I abhor stereotyping and discouraging thought theories on personality typing? It is imperative that personality typing evolves beyond infantile, avoidant, repressive, and oppressive paradigms.

Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power" –philosopher, Lao Tzu.

Did, How To Recognize Stereotyping in the World of Personality Typing Leave You Wanting More?

Are you longing for soul-utions that encourage you to become the hero of your own journey? Realize we are cosmic beings, complex and overflowing with eternal wisdom. Today, arm yourself with new dreams, hopes, and desires to accelerate the experience of being fully alive — living your truth.

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It’s Time to Discover; the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing ©️

Happy New Year — Nina Zapala, an ENTP — The Inquisitive Type

Unsplash: Vonecia Carswell

Originally published at on January 8, 2023.



Nina Zapala

Spiritual Personality Typing: Liberate the Mind. Feed the Soul. And Change Your Life. I’m a Teacher. Writer. Dog + Gaia Lover.