Uplifting Books To Focus On Your True Self in 2024 — Nina Zapala

Nina Zapala
11 min readJan 13, 2024

Uplifting Books To Focus On Yourself in 2024. This post offers a collection of 7 uncommon books that speak to exploring your true self innate in all 16 personality types. Some of these books may be obscure, but I thought, why list the obvious if you already know about them? I chose books that focus on exploring yourself to enjoy a true self lifestyle.

Here’s what I know. Books have a unique way of speaking to our souls. They often offer wisdom, guidance, and fresh perspectives on the path to understanding ourselves more thoroughly. The path to your true self is often filled with twists and turns, a time of reckoning, revelation, and rebirth. Exploring the depths of your inner understandings can be both rewarding and challenging. Thankfully, there are guiding lights along the way, people places, and books.

Books are like planting seeds they have the power to shift perceptions. They have the power to plant new ideas and if you take action, the results can change the course of your life.

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The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries. — Rene Descartes

1. Waking Up in Paris: Overcoming Darkness in the City of Light

In Waking Up in Paris author Sonia Choquette shares intimate thoughts and fears. She speaks to the unique challenges of setting up a new life in a foreign land. From moving into a freezing, malodorous apartment, to a more pleasant-yet haunted-flat across the Seine, to her current light-filled home, Sonia shares how these changes parallel her inner transformation.

“Along the way, Sonia regales readers with vivid stories of her unfortunate encounters with French hairdressers and beauticians, her adventures in French fashion, and her search for the perfect neighborhood café. Her companion throughout is the city of Paris. A character unto itself which never ceases to fill her with wonder, surprise, and delight, and provides her with the spiritual strength to succeed in establishing her new life.” — excerpt from Amazon page.

This is a nourishing read for your true self. What I love about it is how Sonia relies fully on her intuition, her true self in action. It’s a fun read, and who doesn’t love Paris, right? Her escapades in the city will put a smile on your face. It’s a great example of how your true self will show up in life when you tune in and listen to it. It’s the inner guide that leads and feeds your life’s direction.

This discoverable book will resonate with “NT” and “NF” personality types (ENFP, ENTP, ENFJ, INFP, INFJ, INTP). Yet I believe all personality types benefit when they rely on their inner standings, gut instincts, and intuitions.

2. Another Monster At the End of This Book: An Introspective Uplifting Book

Another Monster At the End of This Book by author Jon Stone is a Sesame Street Little Golden book. “Grover, now with pal Elmo by his side, has heard that there’s something lurking on the last page of the book. Grover tries his best in all sorts of hilarious ways to stop the reader from turning the pages. But, Elmo, curious as always, slips by every wacky barrier. Toddlers will find it hard to resist turning the pages.” — excerpt from Amazon page. Adults will find it hard to resist too!

A fun read but a great example of the logical and spirit mind in action. The logical mind is always putting up barriers, relying on “old speak”-old patterns and behaviors we believe are true, but are often not. Grover is terrified of the monster at the end of this book (the logical mind embracing fear) while Elmo (the spirit mind) can’t wait to get to the end of the book. No barriers, no fear, no distractions, just full speed ahead.

Isn’t this what so many of us do? Our Divinely inspired spirit mind is trying to awaken us into what’s best for us, while the logical mind is sputtering, distracting, and disruptive, stopping us at every turn. All personalities are in some ways influenced by the pressures of the outer world. Especially true for ESFP, ESTP, ESTJ, and ISTJ who are hands-on, and present-moment oriented in the physical world.

We like to explain that only a part of the Consciousness that is really who you are is focused into the physical personality that you believe is you so that you can then begin to consciously consider the larger part of you, which continues to remain Non-Physically focused. — Abraham Hicks, Excerpted from Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide

3. Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead: An Empowering Book

Tosha Silver’s Outrageous Openness is an amazing book if you are eager to discover the practical and magical ways the Divine shows up in your life. This book is “a playful, enlightening, and creative collection of spiritual lessons, anecdotes, and thoughts on the Divine’s intervention in our lives. This brilliantly written and wonderfully entertaining book teaches us how to live purposefully and in line with the Force of Love.” — excerpt from Amazon page.

Exploring your true self through Silver’s philosophy is very aligned with living a true self lifestyle. Living from the true self is living from the spirit mind, your higher consciousness that is tethered to the Divine mind, the eternal, everlasting source of love, light, peace, joy, abundance…well, everything. As you progress on your journey, you’ll realize that the Divine walks beside you in life, always expressing its desires to help you live a fabulous life. When you depend on your spirit mind, it expresses highly conscious thoughts to the logical mind. The result is that you live from inspired action, a true self lifestyle inspired by the spirit-fed mind within you, and all personality types.

4. The Gospel According to Coco Channel

“Delving into the long, extraordinary life of renowned French fashion designer Coco Chanel, Karen Karbo has written a new kind of self-help book, exploring Chanel’s philosophy on a range of universal themes―from style to passion, from money and success to femininity and living life on your own terms.” — excerpt from Amazon page for The Gospel According to Coco Chanel by Karen Karbo.

If you are an entrepreneur, digital or otherwise, this is a must-read, especially if you long to be unapologetically you. Coco Channel spoke what was on her mind, and we as women need to embrace this ideology wholeheartedly. We live in a world, I include myself here, where women don’t always speak up, feeling they may be shunned, outed, or dismissed from a community we think we must belong to. Even when it means losing ourselves. UGH! Coco didn’t give a darn. She spoke up and said what was on her mind. For her, it was usually a fabulous new design idea that was just waiting to make millions. And so it is for you as well!

Speaking up is hard for many, but especially painful for introverts. Please realize that embracing your true self will guide you in your words. I call this “carefulness in conversation.” When you need to speak up, you will be guided to do so by the wisdom of a spirit-fed mind!

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds.” — Patanjali, alive in India circa 100 BCE.

5. Succulent Wild Women An Uplifting Self-Help Book

“Discover the succulent woman within with this colorful guide to embracing creativity, sexuality, fear, and healing from the bestselling artist and writer SARK. With her signature “gentle and effervescent” (Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way) prose and vibrant illustrations, SARK offers us an accessible guide to living life filled to the brim with joy, hope, and self-love.” — excerpt from Amazon page for Succulent Wild Women by SARK.

This is a beautiful book about moving through trauma in a creative, colorful, and joyous way — your way. It’s another beautiful tool to use to discover the path to your true self. These personalities: ENFP, INFP, ENTP, INTP, ISFP, INFJ, and ENFJ, will enjoy the creative style of this book probably more so than other personality types.

For many of us, trauma has darkened our doorstep. What I now know is that if you don’t go within and work through the fears that keep you separated from your Divine self, it will destroy you. I know this to be true, as a life tsunami hit the shores of my life and destroyed everything I thought I was. It was a time of reckoning, remembering, and rebirth.

6. The Little Book of Mindfulness: A Must-Read Self-Focus Book

The Little Book of Mindfulness Tiddy Rowan, herself a practitioner for over 30 years, has gathered together a seminal collection of over 150 techniques, tips, exercises, advice, and guided meditations that will enable people at every level to follow the breath, still the mind and relax the body, whilst generating and boosting a feeling of well-being and contentment that will permeate every aspect of everyday life.” — excerpt from Amazon author page for The Little Book of Mindfulness by Tiddy Rowan.

This is a perfect book well suited to all personality types. It offers single-page practices to help slow the mind and embrace mindfulness. As you slow down, you rest the logical mind from the busyness of the world. This is a beautiful way to connect the spirit mind with the Divine mind and the logical mind. When you don’t slow down, choices are more reckless, less thoughtful, and not in alignment with your true self. You rely on the world, which is fleeting, while the true self is everlasting.

7. Directing Your Destiny

“If you were given the chance to write your own future and direct your own destiny, how would your life change? In this groundbreaking new book, author Jennifer Grace shares insights from her experience as a SAG actress, screenwriter, and filmmaker that gives everyone the opportunity to write, produce, and direct the movie of their life. By following her easy-to-understand practices, you’ll learn to rewrite scenes in order to align yourself with self-love, creativity, peace, and empowerment, and recast your story with people who are in sync with their highest selves.” — excerpt from Amazon author page for Directing Your Destiny by Jennifer Grace.

This is a very uplifting book that helps you focus on your dreams and helps you dream big. The author offers many useful practices, and one of my favorites is her intention pillars. Another thing I’d like to point out is she speaks to reprogramming your beliefs. I think all 16 personalities can benefit from questioning your belief system. Do they stem from your true self, or are they inherited? These exercises can open you up and help you explore your true self

Be prepared to learn a lot about yourself and take steps to immediately boost your confidence, gain clarity, and find your true self. It’s a spirit-led travel guide for journeys that change your life. — Excerpt from Unpack Your Personality.

Adding One More Uplifting Book To Focus On Yourself in 2024

I’m going to add one more book to the list; my debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, a roadmap to your true self.

“Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, offers a fresh philosophy on travel and life. Zapala infuses personality typing with a spiritual understanding, suggesting travelers, set an intention, and use their next trip as a classroom to kick-start a journey to their true selves. She writes with the hope that her work will find its way to individuals unimpressed with common approaches in these unconventional times.” — excerpt from Amazon page.

I Hope You Enjoy These Uplifting Books To Focus On Yourself in 2024 Eye-Opening

These Uplifting Books To Focus On Yourself are self-help books and fun ways to explore and connect to your powerful true self. When you are true to yourself, you live by your own guiding principles without the need to please other people, meet their expectations, or change what you believe by acting in any way that is outside of who you really are.

It’s why I’m passionate and intentional about introducing the idea of personality typing with a spiritual understanding to help you find yourself and tell your sacred story.

I want you to find yourself in a world that wants you to conform, to learn how to tap into and co-create with Divine Intelligence, especially if you desire an unlimited abundant life: health, peace, wealth, and joy!

Findin Your True Self is Your Life’s Purpose As It Guides You To Your True Calling — Nina Zapala, Founder, Spiritual Personality Typing.

More About Spiritual Personality Typing

I’m here to share a new philosophy to get you excited about your personality. I hope you begin to see your personality as a magical tool and realize its importance to a meaningful life.

Make understanding your personality type a priority. It’s the best relationship you can cultivate in this lifetime.

Of course, with all good things in life, if you do the work, take responsibility, and make personality typing with a spiritual understanding a daily ceremony, you’ll reap the rewards. Once you do, you’ll realize the only way for your higher self to express itself is through a healthy personality, the two can’t exist without each other.

It’s a profound awakening, unshackling you from a purposeless existence and moving you closer to your truth and into a new reality of unlimited possibilities. You’ll be ready for any occasion, situation, or event: relationships, career, travel, and most importantly, a meaningful life.

I know this to be true because this is precisely how it works in my life.

ASK ME ANYTHING, about your personality type on a one-hour call. Happy to talk about your travel, career, relationships…. anything at all related to your spiritual personality type. Get on my schedule here.

Blog Updates in 2024

My blog is changing a lot in 2024. I will be featuring creative and interesting concepts about living a true self lifestyle to help you gain more clarity, peace, and joy, centered around spiritual personality typing. I will also share tons of ideas on how to build a spirit-led enterprise, and I’ll write about travel destinations I visit and other travel places I dream of visiting. Each will include insightful tips and unique perspectives relatable to your personality type. It’s a look-see before you spend a dime. As always, take what you want and leave the rest. Remember, it’s about being unapologetically you, on the daily. Last but not least, I will also be talking about the books I’m reading, spiritual tools, and practices I use with suggested journal prompts to help you stay on the path of your true self!

Join The Movement

Will you join me on this journey? I believe spiritual personality typing was Divinely timed to hit the planet during these transitioning and awakening times.

Do you want to be part of a community bound by grace, encouragement, and truth; a true self lifestyle? Then please subscribe to Nina’s Newsletter. You’ll get front-row seats to new courses, my debut book, and an upcoming workbook, along with monthly freebies! It’s shenanigans on steroids, with the ultimate goal of knowing your true self, your true calling in life.

Or find me online:




It’s Time to Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP.

Note: I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side and ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing with a spiritual focus to bring you back to your true self!

Originally published at https://ninazapala.com on January 13, 2024.



Nina Zapala

Spiritual Personality Typing: Liberate the Mind. Feed the Soul. And Change Your Life. I’m a Teacher. Writer. Dog + Gaia Lover. ninazapala.com.